What is Overwhelm? That feeling that it’s just all too much. You know you have loads to do but you seem to go off dealing with everything but all the important things you need to do!
You end up …
- Not able to focus on what you need to do.
- No motivation to get what needs to be done…done!
- Procrastination about the ‘right’ way to do it!
- Making excuses about not having the time, energy, ability or anything else.
Let’s ponder this… If you could chop your list down to just 3 things – how would that make you feel? Less pressure right?
Forget about the others – just 3 things. The 3 most important things.
If you got those 3 things done – how would that make you feel? Awesome, huh? What an achievement. You’ve been trying to get those done for so long!
Let’s face it, nowadays we all have loads of ‘stuff’ to get done. At work, at home, with our families, friends. There’s no time to fit it all in.
Here’s your 3 majors!
- Not prioritising – or prioritising too many things!
- Not making your to-do’s SMART – be realistic – break it down if it’s a big one!
- The list is far too long, looking at it just makes you go into a panic!
So, let me ask you...
Question 1. Where has the fun gone in your life?
Question 2. Why do I always have a never ending list of stuff to do?
Question 3. What can I do about it?
Question 4. How is this going to change?
Question 5. Who can help me?
Well, here's my take on it...
Answer 1. Let’s make time for some fun! Once you start achieving, you wont feel guilty about giving yourself some time to have fun! Go enjoy yourself!
Answer 2. You will always have a list – but let’s help you start reducing it!
Answer 3. Learn the golden rule – Take three, Delete three, Do three, Update
Answer 4. Do this simple thing each morning – you will reduce the overwhelm
Answer 5. YOU. You can do this simple task. All you need is a new piece of paper and a pen or a new digital list and you are off and away.
If you want more information about goals and to-do’s download my free e-book on acing your health and wellness goals. You can apply these techniques to any goal or to-do, no matter how big or small.
So, get that list out right now. If it’s in your head – definitely write them all down or start to use an app like wunderlist or asana or google tasks. Remember – don’t get bogged down into sorting your to-do’s and spend hours categorising them. You just need a basic list. Take your 3 most important and urgent items from that list. Write them down to make a new separate list. Only 3 NO MORE! (TAKE 3) Delete the three from your original list (DELETE 3), start working on them now (DO 3) and update your original list with any other tasks that happen to come in throughout your day (UPDATE).
Repeat the next morning.
Watch your list start to change.
Watch yourself become more focused.
Feel the difference in the motivation you have now that you achieved the tasks you set for yourself today.
Remember download my free e-book. (See below)
There are lots of tips of how to set goals and to-do’s and why we fail at them.
Don’t stay in overwhelm. Calm the chaos and take charge of your life!
Feel like stress and overwhelm are affecting your health? Book in to see me for a Free Wellness Check and find out.