Is what you doing and how you are doing it working for you? Can you get those feelings under control? In the moment, do you have a technique you can use that’s effective? Read on… I can give you a simple one that really works!!!
What if I could show you a proven method to help with those feelings? So what about dealing with this issue for good? How would that make you feel? Think what you could do if you didn’t have those anxious feelings? What kind of things would you go out and do? Where would you go? How would that make you feel if you could go out and do those things?
Why does it affect you and so many others? Well, it is a natural process that is protecting us. It’s just that the particular response you are having is inappropriate for the situation. You just don’t understand why this response is being triggered, and you don’t always know how you can deal with it.
Why does it stop you in your tracks and prevent you from doing so many things? Well, anxiety is Fear gone out of control! And what is FEAR? Fear is a mis-perception of a situation or circumstance. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real! Yup. What you are perceiving in the moment is not actually what you need to perceive to get through it. You are using evidence you have stored from a long time back to deal with situations happening now. But you are using strategies for now that are not going to change what happened from a long time back.
So, who have I already helped?
- A lady who could only drive within her suburb and never get further. Now drives all over Perth, into the city and on the freeway.
- A divorcee who couldn’t stop his shaking. He used to have to load up with alcohol just to cope with a social situation and then made a fool of himself and felt bad every time.
- A lady with PTSD following various incidents, suffered with severe anxiety and insomnia, now refers others to me as she feels so much more in control.
- A lady who was bullied at work and treated badly by previous partner, now free from feelings of inadequacy and feeling able to get back out in the world.
- An ex-army gentleman with anger issues, now able to keep calmer and feel more in control of his emotional outbursts.
- A young girl with extreme anxiety of many different places and situations, now able to go to out with her family and friends freely and experience life, anxiety free
- And many more like this, using this proven approach, individualised for you.
Now, in a little more depth if you wish …
If you have done any research on anxiety and depression, no doubt you have read that these issues often come from childhood. That is so true. They can also be inherited patterns believe it or not too. The only problem is, that when we are in the moment of stress and anxiety, we don’t realist this fact, and we associate what’s happening to us now with how we feel now, and where we are now and what we are doing now! However, the distress we are actually feeling is related to something from the past. So whatever we resolve now is not going to change that. The stress reactions are therefore just reinforced. Yup, that's right, every time you go through it again, you are reinforcing the reaction and another stress response! Any decisions you make while under the influence of this stress (which has become a habitual response, by the way – not a conscious one), are likely totally wrong for you! You think you are making the right decision, but in fact, you are not. Eventually, as this continues over time the stress hormones that are released during this fear respoonse, become so out of balance that they start to monopolise your nervous system. This affects every part of you, mental, emotional and physical and it affects how you respond to all aspects of your life. You are effectively, out of control. And that’s what you are likely feeling.
This hormone imbalance, if allowed to continue for years, will result in some unpleasant health problems later in life, on top of your already unpleasant anxiety!
Its interesting isn’t it. I
I would just like you to read this … it is a fantastic description from Andrew Verity (Neuro-Training Founder and my mentor) from his book the efficient CEO Brain:
"While we are stressed and realise we cannot change anything now, we are depressed. This is primarily processed in the left side of the brain. While it’s here the result will be a defence reaction. When we have the realisation that this will continue into the future the processing moves from the left brain (past events) into the right brain (future events). Now we are projecting the stress into the future along with the realisation we cannot change anything. Suddenly our future is destroyed and what do we do? Go into fear reactions we call Anxiety. Same reactions and concepts just in a different part of the brain”
So interesting, don’t you think?
We need to find the associations that have been used as references since you were young and defuse your reactions to them. Allowing you to create new references for how to do life. Taking you out of the ‘fear response’ or survival mode or defence or whatever you want to call it. Allowing your brain to rationalise and create new patterns for how to do life. Rather than creating inappropriate strategies whilst in a fear response.
So how does it work? How do we do that?
I find the specific triggers that throw your nervous system into the survival response. How? By using muscle checking, I facilitate a proven technique to re-train this response. Firstly, working on the physical body habits, then the psychological.
Let’s face it, if you could stop it happening you would have done it already. It’s not a conscious process. It’s a body habit. It’s a mechanism in your body that gets triggered by something you are not consciously aware of. This process allows us to check aspects of your nervous system responsible for triggering the flight/flight response and re-train it to respond without defence. Allowing you to see your life 'the way it is". This part of the process is very important and must be done first.
Then, we work on the psychological triggers. Again, using muscle checking to find the areas where you like to fight or push against the challenges and those where you avoid or run from it. Defusing these reactions, enabling you to create more positive resources to build a new reference for yourself.
It's a fascinating exercise where you get to learn so much about yourself, how you react to life events and what behaviours you have been using unknowingly to run your life. You begin to be consciously aware of these inappropriate reaction and start a process of making new more positive ones.
If you want to try a different, long-lasting, non-medicated approach to dealing with your anxiety … keep reading.
This process strengthens the connection between your conscious and subconscious mind. Changing your perceptions and working to clear the fear, pain and illusions you have been using as a defence mechanism throughout your life.
We defuse your 9 major brain functions (all about your cognitive ability) and work to defuse any unsupportive learned behaviours. Then we detach you from the fear spiral, where you get stuck in fear and pain, and we look at any inherited limitations from parents and past generations that are holding you back. Finally we defuse the Negative Emotional Charge (this sits in your limbic system, the emotional part of your brain, and blocks your ability to choose what you want) and empower you with skills and techniques to direct your creative energies positively and by your own choice.
If you are looking for a quick fix, with little effort from you, then you may as well stop reading now. This process takes true desire, dedication and investment in yourself. We can complete this process in 1 month or 3 months, it's up to you. But it must be completed once started. It will take at least 6 one on one sessions with me to work through all the physical and psychological defence patterns you have built up.
There is no short cut.
As a little gift, in the meantime, I am giving you this simple technique which you can use in the moment of your anxiety to deal with it there and then:
In the slideshow at the top of this post is a picture labelled The Magic Ball. You can use a ball or any other object that you can easily hold and pass between your hands. Simply keep passing the object across the front of your body from hand to hand until the anxious feeling subsides, and it will. If it comes back, repeat again until it subsides. Do as often as you need to help with unpleasant anxious feelings. This is a great technique because nobody knows what you are doing. You jut look like you are playing with an object and mulling stuff over in your mind. You can use a bunch of keys or a screwed up piece of papter. It doesn't matter.
However, if you want to clear these patterns out we need to re-train what the nervous system is using as a reference.
We have to follow the process and do every step or you will not feel the benefit.
If you cannot commit to a minimum of 6 sessions then this is not for you.
Who is this process for?
- Anyone who is wanting to re-train their old habits for good.
- Anyone who is suffering unnecessarily from depression or anxiety or both
- who wants to commit the time and effort into a proven process that has worked for so many people already
- Anyone who finds it difficult to focus or maintain concentration (another form of depression)
- Anyone who wants to find an alternative to medications
- Anyone who has tried everything else and still suffers with this problem
In January 2019, I am offering a 6 session special for Anxiety. Usually $799. Package special for new clients $649! This includes the physical and psychological defences completed. That's 6 one on one consultations to clear your physical and psychological defence patterns! $150 saving! (payment must be made in full at time of booking).
You may still take advantage of this wonderful process by booking and paying for each appointment individually, however, you will not be eligible for the $150 saving. Initial consultation $199, subsequent consultations $120.
Go to my booking page now and select Blueprint and FNT Special, or book a Neuro-Training Initial Consultation fi you wish to book individually. Consultations can be conducted, weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on availability.
I look forward to taking you on your journey to freedom and choice.
Ann - "Over the years I had tried numerous therapies to help me achieve a better quality of life, as I had been struggling with many health issues in particular chronic fatigue. I am so grateful to Sarah for the work that she does. I have managed to heal various issues and my energy levels have greatly increased. She is so passionate and her wealth of knowledge reassures you, are in the best of care. I would highly recommend Sarah as a professional and compassionate human being"
Nikki - "I have gained so much insight into how my body works, it has opened my eyes up to a far deeper understanding of why I experience illness, it could be just a a sore back or pain in my feet or maybe a frozen shoulder but what Neuro Body Balance does is go deeper than what a GP will tell you, Sarah can find why you are experiencing certain symptoms, it maybe from past generations back or some trauma you experienced a few years ago or way back to your childhood. These traumas are showing themselves now as symptoms. You don't only get to find out why you have these symptoms but Sarah can also work on bringing your body back into balance so the trauma is healed and your body too. It's a truly wonderful experience"
Sara - "I just find Neuro-Training amazing. I couldn't drive further than about 3km from my house and if I had to cross a roundabout I just couldn't do it. Now I drive all over Perth, into the city. My anxiety is under control and I can do all the things I want to. I am working on my menopause symptoms now and am excited to get relief from my hot flushes and night sweats!"
Steve - verbal feedback - I just can't believe where I am now from where I was a year ago. I couldn't even go out for a meal without shaking and feeling so anxious. Now I don't even think about it. This Neuro-Training stuff is just on another level to anything else I have experienced.