So... what can you do about it.
What is so often misunderstood is that all of the vitamins and minerals we have in our foods and supplements have to be utilised effectively once they enter our body. If utilisation is the problem, then taking an iron supplement probably isn't going to make much of a difference. In fact when balancing any nutrient we check for 13 different ways your body uses/abuses that nutrient and use any number of techniques to balance the issue.
As an experienced kinesiologist and neuro-trainer, I use muscle testing to find the related issues, minerals and patterns of imbalance contributing to your inablity to utilise or break down the iron and/or other vitamins and minerals.
Low iron can make your feel, tired, weak and even dizzy. If you think you have low iron or have had a blood test showing low iron. Why not get yourself balanced to utilising it better. Did you know that its most likely to be a digestive issue, although not always.