Here are some of the main reasons people may have an iron deficiency problem:
- Poor diet – inadequate intake of enough mineral rich food
- Restrictive diet – allergies and intolerances and diets without certain food groups can again mean the person has inadequate intake of mineral rich food
- Altered diet – a person who has changed the types of foods they eat, e.g. turned vegetarian or vegan recently. Or a person who has to omit certain food types due to allergy or intolerance. The body is not used to extracting iron from these foods alone
- Blood loss – heavy periods or other bleeding such as from haemorrhoids, blood nose or recurrent bruising can affect iron levels and may indicate a more serious internal problem such as internal bleeding.
- Increased or prolonged period of stress – creates distress in the body and can affect digestion and other functions, creating deficiencies.
What are the main symptoms of low iron:
- Unusual tiredness – feeling more tired than usual, extreme tiredness
- Paleness – pale complexion but also pale skin all over the body
- Shortness of breath – difficulty getting a deep breath
- Headaches – lack of oxygen due to low iron – which causes lack of oxygen supply to the cells and tissues of the body
- Dizziness – feeling dizzy and foggy headed
- Mouth Ulcers
- Cracked corners of the mouth
- Recurrent infections - ears, colds, sinusitis
- Brittle nails
- Palpitations – feeling heart beating faster for no apparent reason
- Dry and Damaged Hair and itchy Skin
- Acne and pimples
- Restless legs
The reason it is important to take the right supplements...
It is also very important to note that taking iron supplements when you have not had a proper diagnosis from your doctor can be detrimental to your health ...