What's common is not necessarily normal!
So, mum suffered with hot flushes, so did Nan, loads of women I have spoken to do... what's the worry? I only have to get through it for a few years and then it will all be over!!!
What you didn't know!
Well, I'm going to let you into a little secret, hot flushes are very common, but they are most definitely not normal! They are a definitive sign that there is a something happening with your hormones! I knew that, I hear you say. Yup but did you know that hot flushes are often a sign that there is a war going on in your hormonal system and it involves your adrenal glands. Hot flushes are usually a result of too little estrogen and too much adrenaline! Did you also know that too little estrogen can lead to a whole range of major health problems later on. Some of which you may know, some you may not:
- Osteoporosis - yup, low estrogen affects bone density and is often the cause of this disease which once set in is very difficult to reverse.
- Cystitis or UTI's - again, low estrogen causes the urethra to thin which affects its ability to fight infection leading to increased risk of these infuriating little attacks. Remember needing to pee every 5 seconds only to find nothing comes out!!!! Ugh!
- Headaches and Migraines- and on top of that, headaches start and if you have migraines these can often get worse and happen more often.
- Plus ... fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, heart issues and more.
Estrogen is really a woman's protective hormone and if out of whack has some pretty significant effects on us, mentally, emotionally, physically and energetically.
So, What can you do about it?
You can of course opt for hormone therapy and put synthetic or bio-identical hormones into your blood to try to sort the issue out, but is this really getting to the root of the problem?
You could try a natural approach and change your diet, there are lots of natural 'fixes' for menopause online.
You could seek out a therapist like myself. I work with the glands that produce these hormones, seeking to balance the way they function so that the hormones work themselves out.
Whatever you decide is the best strategy I hope you found this interesting and if you wish to seek further advice, I would be happy to discuss your issues.
Call/Text Sarah on 0433 659730
Email me at [email protected]
Book for free hormone balance check with me and find out what might be going on with your glands and hormones...